Monday, January 23, 2012

25 Things About Me

Since I'm bored and can't sleep. . .25 things about me.

1. I'm as stubborn as a mule.

2. Sugarland is my life. They made the last two years bearable.

3. I'm quite sensitive, so I take it to heart when someone blocks me on Twitter or unfriends me on Facebook. It just makes me feel like I unintentionally pissed them off. I can't take hearing about deaths of children and moms. No child should die and no child should have to lose their mom.

4. I'm a girly tomboy. I love wearing sneakers, sweats, hoodies and caps, but I also love to get all dolled up.

5. I want to own a BIG multi color eye shadow palette, brushes and a couple of other make up items since my current make up is old.

6. I want to travel the world someday. I also want to see the Northern Lights and stand on the Four Corners.

7. I want to go on a cruise, but after watching the Titanic and seeing about the recent boat accident makes me afraid.

8. I really want to live in England for either 6 months or a year, someplace close to my good friend.

9. I'm random. I say random things at randoms times which makes my friends go "wtf?"

10. As a bully victim for almost 10 years, I wonder if I would have been teased if I were skinny, had long hair and didn't wear glasses.

11. I let my grades slip because I was being teased. I wish I hadn't because I had the smarts to be in AP classes; I just stopped applying myself.

12. My first time on a plane was 2009. I was scared, but I really enjoyed myself.

13. The year 2007 was probably one of the best years-I met my closest friend, got my first job, had fun in college, bought my iPod and first laptop with my own was nice.

14. 2003 was a close second. My friend was over for most of the summer, experienced that blackout, high school was okay because I had my group of friends, my role model, Katie Wagner was still on TV and I went to Atlanta that September. Missed three days of school, but it was worth it.

15. I still use VHS tapes.

16. Whenever my mom and I move later this year, and I get a job, I am going to treat myself to a bunch of things. I've only had a few nice things since moving here. My main things are a tattoo, iPod Touch and laptop and tickets to see Sugarland.

17. I want to have a video game party, a Super Bowl party,and a Golden Girls, Simpsons, Harry Potter and Twilight marathon. I love to entertain people.

18. I love to laugh, especially those ones where you can't stop laughing!

19. I foresee myself either breaking my arm, having appendicitis or mono.

20. My life would be perfect if I could marry my current crush. They still have feelings for me (I hope) and being with them has made me made them happier by being with me as well.

21. I want to learn to juggle one day.

22. I can eat pizza at every meal and not get tired of it.

23. I want to help the hungry by buying fresh foods and not giving them old, expired foods. Also by donating because everyone deserves to eat.

24. My first daughter's name WILL be Jennifer Ainsley.

25. I want to grow my DVD collection. My goal is to own ALL my favorite movies and TV shows on DVD.

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