Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day of 2011

And I am GLAD. The only good things to happen to me were making amends with Hazel in January, my 24th birthday in February, Samual's birth in May, Riley's second birthday in July, Hazel's 22nd also in July, getting an Android in August and making a ton of new Sugar friends and becoming a family that month. I hate that we had to do it under such terrible circumstances. Thanksgiving was alright, awkward as hell til Bitchy Auntie's gay brother and his partner came. Then, it was nice because her brother's partner is SUPER sweet! Too bad Auntie is such a gosh darn showoff and mean person. 

I declare 2012 to be MY year. Things WILL get better. My mom and I WILL move. We WILL have jobs again. I WILL go back to school. I WILL see Sugarland with my friends. I'm hoping Hazel, her boys and I can meet as well. I surely wouldn't mind flying over to the UK for a month next Summer. 

I've had such an awful two years being in California and I can only pray that things get better. I know God doesn't put things on us that we can't handle, but a person can only handle so much. It's no fun being hungry for two days. It sucks not being able to do anything fun. 2012 will change. I just know it. 

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Good things, bad things


My top left molar is chipped/broken and it cut the inside of my jaw. It hurts to eat.


Someone, I don't know who, sent me TWO CSI: Crime Scene Investigation books! I think someone looked at my Amazon Wishlist and decided to buy them, but these books came from Better World Books, which I don't think is a subsidiary of Amazon.

I won yet ANOTHER free pizza from Papa John's! This will be my food for New Years while I read. I checked out a bunch of books (I Spy, don't you dare mock me! :P :D) and also watch DVDs on my computer. Had a BSoD issue, but it seems to be solved. My USB cord to my phone seems to be the culprit. I also think I need to upgrade the CD/DVROM drive as well.

I also won a $20 gift card to Wendy's! I sent an entry on what I can do with a dollar and I made a dollar bird duck. I was one of the first 99 people to submit and so I won!

With two days left until 2012, I am wishing for a better year-move to some place more diverse, go back to college, get a job. I cannot live like this much longer. I really can't. It's stressing, and it's NO fun seeing your mom cry.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Wish. . .

I honestly hate we live in separate countries. I hate that you may like someone else who has hurt you, and will hurt you again. I want so much for us to be together. I adore and love you and those boys, though we've never met. I wish we could go back to planning our lives together, like we did in 2007. I know you say you love me, and I mean the world to you, but I just wish that we could be together again. I love you.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Holidays Shomlidays

Well, first off, welcome to my blog. Here, you'll find random postings from me, from venting, to happiness, to just plain random.

I hate to vent on my very first blog post, but it has to be done. My Christmas was pretty much crap. My uncle never called us, stopped by or sent a card. It's sad that a fifty something year old man allows his possessive and jealous wife to dictate who he can and can't be friends with. Naturally, my mom was upset, and today she's still upset.

It's been that way since we moved here in 2009. My uncle very much wanted us here because has no family here, and he gets lonely around the holidays because his wife's family is over. Skip ahead to October of 2009. We had just moved into our apartment after staying with them since August. A nice couple from our now old church was gonna stop by and bring a TV, bed and a few other things. Bitchy Aunt tells her not to call anymore and tells Uncle not to have any contact with us. Uncle listens, saying "Herr derr, the Bible says a man and a wife are one and blahdee, blahdee, blah" He can't stand up to her, and that's sad. HE wanted us out here. WE'RE the only family to step foot in that damn house every year since 2006, and this is the THANKS he gives us. Family my foot!

It's been a hellish two years. We often go hungry, I can't find a job, we rarely have new things...I don't know how we managed to get through it. My mom makes friends easy, unlike Bitchy Auntie who is a general asshole to everyone she comes across, so they'll often give us a couple of bucks, some buy us food, my mom's friend, who lives two hours away helps us. It's sad that these people, who aren't blood related to us treat us like family, even more than Bitchy Auntie and Uncle.

I admit that I am jealous of my friends. They're working, doing things, going to school, attending Sugarland shows, and I spend my days at home. I've often felt suicidal because some days are just so hard. Holidays are hard, because, except for Thanksgiving of this year, Uncle doesn't call us.

I really hope that 2012 is the year everything changes for us-moving, getting jobs, me going back to college. I honestly cannot survive another year like this. It's no fun going hungry. The worst was New Years of last year...those four days we went without food, I seriously thought I was going to die. When things finally change, I'm gonna be the person everyone loves and help out with charities that help people who don't have enough food. I'm going to donate to soup kitchens and homeless shelters. Not nasty, expired food. Actual fresh foods! Everyone deserves to eat.

I also want things to get better for my friends, one in Ohio, and one in England. I love those girls. My girl in England has two boys and I love and adore all three people and I hope they can come for a visit. To be honest, she and I have had history, I still have feelings for her (and she still has feelings for me), and I wish we could start anew. My friend in Ohio, she lives with her grandmother, who is verbally abusive to her, so I wish she could get out of that situation.

Anyways, I'll post again before the New Year.